LEAN MANAGEMENT: Continuous Improvement Fundamentals
In today’s rapidly changing business landscape, the Management’s job is to work on the system to achieve continual product and process improvement. Constant and perpetual improvement in systems of production and service is a must in today’s business environment. Lean management is the strategy for Operational Excellence based on clearly defined values to engage people in continuous improvement in safety, morale, quality, cost, and productivity.
This course covers Lean from both a manufacturing and service perspective.
The learning outcomes
Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to:-
·       Gain an understanding of Lean
·       Master the 5 lean principles
·       Identify and create value by reducing various type of waste
·       Learn how to effectively implement & evaluate changes with PDCA cycle
·       Enhance their capacity for systematic problem solving at all levels: developing a workforce of problem solvers, where everyone is focused on continually driving improvements in safety, morale, quality, delivery, and cost.
·       recognize the importance of Mutual Respect for People especially in the work place (tapping and developing the talents and knowledge of all employees)

Who Should Attend 
This course is designed for frontline employees, team leaders, and managers interested in deploying Lean.
Course Outline
Morning Session
·       Understanding of Lean Management framework
·       The five Critical improvement concept
·       Type of waste
·       Identify the opportunity through eliminating Operational Waste Exercise
·       5 Rs
·       Paradigm shift for improvement

Afternoon Session
Lean Methods and Exercises
·       Mapping: Value Stream, Process & Simulation Game
·       Current and Future Value Stream
·       Visual Management
·       Holistic Approach – “optimize the whole” – Eliminate Waste”-“Build Quality In”-“Deliver Fast”
·       5 Whys
·       Standard Work
·       PDCA
